Để bắt đầu, chúng ta cần hiểu rõ về validation. Validation là quá trình kiểm tra dữ liệu nhập vào có hợp lệ hay không. […]
Category: Js / jQuery
Kiến thức sử dụng và lập trình về javascript jquery từ cơ bản đến nâng cao
Server send event demo javascript
If you want build an easy chat site, user to user. You can use server send javascript event. Your chat site will be completed in a […]
JavaScript get the location browser
The browser support the Navigator object. We can get location of browser by the Geolocation property in Navigator object. The Geolocation property supported in browser: […]
Magento rewrite functions in validation.js
Hi you, today, I will guide how to rewrite functions in validation.js, validation.js in js/prototype/validation.js, it check validation of all form in Magento website You […]
New code Js check version browser Internet Explorer
Js check version Internet Explorer. After browser update, old code check version is not apply in jQuery or Javasccript. Because, I was search and see […]
Event after load ajax jquery
To start, we review ajax define: Ajax= Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Ajax is not a new programming language, but a new way to use existing standards. […]