To add pictures to the product, put them into the according folder.
With this code, I used to build a module have import product function and you can use anywhere it.
Before, you need a array include image type. Here is thumbnail, small_image and image. All images put into the according folder. I will use “media/import/”.
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product_id); $images = array( 'image1.jpg' => 'thumbnail', 'image2.jpg' => 'small_image', 'image3.jpg' => '', 'image4.jpg' => '', 'image5.jpg' => 'image' ); $dir = Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'import/'; foreach ($images as $image => $type) { $path = $dir . $image; if (file_exists($path)) { try { $product->addImageToMediaGallery($path, $type, false, false); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } } else { echo "Can not find image by path: `{$path}`<br/>"; } }
Next step: run this code and see result.